
Totally New Theatre – 2012

TNT!2012 – TOTALLY NEW THEATER!, a new play development retreat for playwrights produced by local playwright Shari Frost at Marblehead Little Theatre, is returning for its fourth annual explosion May 31 – June 3!

The weekend will include morning workshops, free time in the afternoon to write, and an evening of ten-minute play readings (free and open to the public) on Saturday, June 2.

Clay McLeod Chapman a New York City based writer is returning as the program’s visiting faculty mentor.


Check out the link for more about TNT! 2012 – Faculty and Author Bios, and about their plays. – http://www.mltlive.com/tnt-2012/

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The Marblehead Little Theatre (MLT) is a community-theatre located in the old Firehouse on School Street in Marblehead. In addition to musical and theatrical productions, MLT also offers movies every Friday night and during select festivals.

http://www.mltlive.org for more information

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