
Meet Brighton Beach’s Annie Krivit!

Let’s meet the youngest cast member of Brighton Beach Memoirs, Annie Krivit of Marblehead!


Tell me about yourself.
I am fourteen years old, a freshman in high school, and I love to sing and act.

And your character?
Laurie is thirteen, and she is very smart; she is constantly reading books. She appears to be an innocent little kid, but she is in tune to everything that is going on in the household. She has a “flutter” in her heart, which she often uses to her advantage.

Is this your first MLT show? If not, what else have you done?
I was in a few children’s shows, such as Into the Magic and Mystery at the Museum, several years ago.

What made you decide to audition for Brighton Beach?
I saw the audition notice on the MLT website, and I was just ending another show. I decided to audition because I wanted to take part in MLT again.

What is your favorite part of doing Brighton Beach?
I love working with people older than me. It’s been a great experience not just being in shows with other kids.

Have you had any difficulties with getting in character or finding who your character is?
I’ve had some difficulty finding out Laurie’s emotions and reactions because she is always eavesdropping, so she listens to everyone’s conversations.

How has it been working with your other cast members?
It’s been great. They’ve all been so nice and everyone’s really funny.

Do you have any before-show rituals?
Not really, except I try not to talk very much the day of a show, and I don’t sing at all before a musical, which is hard for me because I’m constantly singing.

What’s next after Brighton Beach is over?
I’m not sure yet. I’m planning on doing a few more shows before the school year is over.

And now for some completely un-theatre related questions:

What is your favorite food? Movie? Song?
My favorite food is probably chicken soup. My favorite movie is Chicago, and I don’t have a favorite song, but I’m obsessed with the Spring Awakening soundtrack. I love it.

If you were stranded on a desert island, what three things would you bring with you?
I would bring food, a good book, and my iPod. I don’t think I could live without music.




Brighton Beach Memoirs opens TOMORROW!  Have you gotten your yet?  Performance Dates and times: Friday, January 27 at 7:30pm; Saturday, January 28 at 2:00pm & 7:30pm; Sunday, January 29 at 2:00pm; Friday, February 3 at 7:30pm; Saturday, February 4 at 2:00pm & 7:30pm; and Sunday, February 5 at 2:00pm.
For ticket sales and more information please visit www.MLTlive.org!

1 Response to “Meet Brighton Beach’s Annie Krivit!”

  1. 1 Joni Lebon
    January 31, 2012 at 5:21 pm

    I am so proud of you! I am your cousin Joni from St. Louis and Diane just sent me this amazing piece. Enjoy Brighton Beach and the limelight. My son Andy also sings and acts, so it must be in the Baron Blood! Break a leg!!!

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The Marblehead Little Theatre (MLT) is a community-theatre located in the old Firehouse on School Street in Marblehead. In addition to musical and theatrical productions, MLT also offers movies every Friday night and during select festivals.

http://www.mltlive.org for more information

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